3 Things That Helped Me Write More Consistently

Taylor Bauldwin
3 min readNov 11, 2020

Earlier this year my life got significantly busier.

I went back to school for computer science while also keeping my current full-time job.

But I wanted to continue to write because I find it very helpful in ways that go beyond the Medium app. I quickly realized that I would need a new strategy to help me be more active.

3 tips that have been working well so far.

1. Know What You Want to Write About

This tip is probably the one that has been the most transformational for me. It is incredibly helpful when I sit down with the intent to write an article and I already have 2 or 3 ideas jotted down for my next article. In my case I like writing down potential headlines.

Be open to receiving ideas throughout the day

These headlines or article ideas come to me randomly. I mostly use my iPhone notes app to jot them down. Takes a few seconds and this way I can really maximize the time I put aside actually writing as opposed to figuring out what kind of article to write.

2. Facebook Groups

Joining Facebook Groups with other Medium writers has other benefits outside of being a consistent writer. But for me in this case I have been blown away by how much seeing other writers post stories, post accomplishments, and read each other’s stories kind of fires up the writing itch in myself.

Having a community of like minded individuals in anything you do is important. Writing is no different. When I got out there and started reading peoples articles and posting my own it only helped to encourage me to stick with my writing schedule.

Want to read this story later? Save it in Journal.

3. Having a Schedule

It is truly one of the most harped on things when it comes to doing anything(not harped on as much as waking up at 5 am though) but rightfully so.

Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going

Setting aside time in a day to do something is so freeing. It relaxes me to know that this is when I am going to do that. When you do something daily there are always going to be good days and bad days but the important part is to push through either way.

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